Chapter House Porch Staining

Our other major outdoor project involved cleaning and staining the front and back porches of the house. The porches were previously stained eight years ago, in summer of 2013, and were in need of a refresh. Staining the porches was a process over multiple days, involving obtaining stain and other supplies; two days of prep to clean the wood so it would be ready to accept new stain, a day of staining decks and interior railings and posts, a second day staining the exterior surfaces with a ladder, and several visits for inspection and touch-up.

Helping with this massive project were alumni Sam Hurley (D1238), Andy Koch (D1182), Joe Muehlenkamp (D893), Jerry Peplinski (D916), and Roy Rasmussen (D917), as well as members Ethan Amundson (D1364), Bryce Belgarde (D1457), Dewansh Bista (D1372), Samuel Erickson (D1393), Ronald Li (D1403), Abhishek Mhatre (D1404), and Sathwik Pattem (D1378).

KHK Delta Alumnus, D1238. UW-Madison: BS 2004, MS 2010, PhD 2014. DAA Treasurer, DHC Director