I will be representing KHK NEC as acting secretary this year (proxy for Matt Buck), and would like to extend an invitation to the convention meeting to all members and alumni.

**Lunch will be served at the KHK house prior to the meeting**

Coffman Building
Room 324, Feb 23rd at 2pm.

300 Washington Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455

All of those who are looking at parking should Google “East River Road Garage”
Link Here (http://www1.umn.edu/pts/park/facilities/errramp.html)

Here is the layout of the room where we will be having our meeting.

The garage is connected to the student union (Coffman). Take the tunnel to the basement, then come up to the third floor.

You are invited to attend the annual membership meeting in Madison, Wisconsin on:

1:00pm Saturday, February 9th, 2013

The meeting will be at the new Union South (1308 W. Dayton Street), most likely on the second floor in room 216, the Scholar’s Room. Check Today in the Union (TITU —http://www.union.wisc.edu/titu/) for the latest room information in case the Union moves the room.

Parking is available in the basement of Union South, lot 17 (parking ramp just north of Camp Randall Stadium) and lot 20 (1390 University Ave). There is a parking fee to park at both.

The meeting will start at 1:00 PM and should adjourn by 3:00 PM

You are also invited to meet at 11:00 AM for a lunch at Lucky’s Bar & Grille located at 1421 Regent Street.

A meeting agenda will be available when it is ready. Please infrom the president, Jerry Peplinski, if there are any topics you would like brought up at the meeting.

Please respond on the return reply slip in the December mailing with your dues if you will be able to attend this meeting.